Ok, sorry for being crap and answering these a bit late, not spent much time at the pc of late. I'm sitting here dyeing my hair red (again), I've got 20 minutes until I have to rinse. My hair is quite dark so I never get the bright colour that I would like, but it generally gets a good tint.
So to business:
As a kid, what did you look forward to most about summer vacation/break/holiday?
I used to love just messing about. There was a big field just next to my parents house and all the kids used to gravitate there. It was a great field with a hill which varied in slope with a big expansive flat bit at the bottom, perfect for sledging or bike riding. We also used to play tennis/football/kerby/made up ball games in the street - but there were less cars back then (70s/80s).
I was also quite fond of entertaining myself and could loose myself very easily in books, Lego worlds, toy car towns with the streets drawn out on a blackboard on the floor. Oh those were the days. I wish it was as easy to loose yourself in things as an adult as it was as a child. (Knitting sometimes comes close).
What would you consider the perfect amount of stash?
Hmmmm. Less than I have, but more focused would be ideal.
When I first started knitting last year, I quickly got into buying stuff (even before I knew that other people did that too - I was relieved to find out it was a bit of a knitters weakness). I made a lot of purchases then, of stuff I probably wouldn't have bought so much of now. I also get sucked into sales, and buy loads of stuff without having an idea of what I'm going to do with it. I'm also a hoarder, so find it difficult to part with things!
So not sure that there is a perfect amount of stash, but having good stuff that you know what you're going to do with would be ideal. I will never have that stash.
Right, I've got red gloop running down the side of my face, I need to go rinse this stuff off my hair, face, hands etc...
Sunday, 29 June 2008
SP12: Question of the Week 2 & 3
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Labels: secret pal 12
Friday, 20 June 2008
Oh it was all going so well. I finished the straight section and was storming into the decreases. I was very pleased with myself...until I noticed, completely by accident, this:
Can you see where I messed up? I've missed dropping 3 stitches!! I know exactly how I did it too (now I've sat down and studied it). The decrease section is the first section where you have to drop stitches at each end of the row, it's only been at one end until now. It didn't even cross my mind. Additionally, I'm using the spreadsheet (will update where I got it from later) which doesn't make it clear. I should have realised though. I feel so stupid!
So...it looks like I'm going to be doing some snipping (there's no way I'm frogging back!). I've been sitting looking at it and I think I have a plan. If I take a long length of yarn (in the right colour), and weave it across a row, following the stitches, so that it crosses each of the three drop rows that I missed and a bit further - leaving the stitches that are to drop unlooped (I know what I mean, but not sure I can explain it). Then I can safely snip the undropped stitch on the doubled up row and unpick it across the row, then weave in all the ends. The cut stitch will set the drop row free and I'll be able to drop it up and down, and the new yarn means nothing will fall apart. I think. Am I missing something? Hope not, but will find out tomorrow. Friday nights are for knitting, not surgery. I'm too tired to sort it out tonight, but I am actually looking forward to it! How weird is that? I've never cut my knitting before! Oh please let me not be missing something...
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Saturday, 14 June 2008
Clapotis progress and PIF
Well, my clapotis is coming along. Just two more pattern repeats to do before I'm finished the straight section. I love the pink, purple and blue, but not that keen on the green - it just doesn't seem to fit too well with the other colours.
I'm a bit worried about this tuft though...
Fairly sure it didn't used to be like that and I have no idea how it happened - did I do it, or is it something about the yarn I'm using? (Wendy Fusion) Hope it doesn't get any worse...
I've also just added my two PIF projects to Ravelry. Two people signed up with me to PIF and I sent out their gifts a few months ago. I made them the same gift, used Frances Swiecki's Brown Bag pattern, but in different yarns. It's a great pattern, I really enjoyed making them, and felted them on the same day - so both bags qualify as my first proper felting project.
I'm really pleased how they came out. They're slightly different sizes as I made a few adjustments to the red one due to having a little less yarn. I filled the bags with knitting nick-knacks and chocolate.
Not feeling too great day. I'm going to relax and do some more clapping while supervising my boyfriends two boys make secret fathers day cards. We've already been out the the shop to get him some chocolate and beer :o)
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Labels: clapotis, pif, work in progress
Friday, 13 June 2008
SP12: Question of the Week
What is your favorite summertime drink??
Hmm...well...depending on mood, it would either be a large glass of chilled dry white wine, or an ice cold G&T with a huge slice of lime. I can only have one though (stupid medication restricts my alcohol intake), so it would have to be good! I'd then have to move on to ice cold cranberry juice or fresh orange juice with all the juicy bits.
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Labels: secret pal 12
Wednesday, 11 June 2008
I'm working on my Clapotis again, yey! After avoiding it for a about a week or so after I made a stupid mistake, I managed to fix it in less than half an hour. Just goes to show what I can achieve when I'm in the right mood. I tinked back to where I prematurely dropped a stitch (I have no idea how I managed to do that - I'm going down the purl route so it should have been blatantly obvious, gah!) and away I go again. Still not sure about the striping of the yarn... The mood didn't extend to working out my sock troubles, but I'm sure it will at some point soon.
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Labels: clapotis, work in progress
Monday, 9 June 2008
Normality resumes, well, as much as ever.
Report is handed in, just waiting for feedback, so may have to do more work. Just had a fabulous weekend away with my family in Scotland, staying in a teepee in a forrest! Gorgeous weather, gorgeous surroundings, had great time. Really suffering now though, absolutely knackered and the arthritis is prickling - one shoulder is particularly bad so I'm trying to keep it still so am typing this with one hand. It's gonna be a short post due to that.
I did a bit of knitting last week. My clapotis was making good progress until I managed to drop a stitch too early and not notice until the next right side. Not good. Put it down until I'm in the mood to fix it. I hate unpicking. I made a quick hat and fingerless mittens over a coulpe of evenings to take to scotland. My socks are waiting to be fixed too, they developed a small hole and I'm not sure how.
Secret pal 12 has begun too! I got my pals details through today :o)
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